[chinese blood, irish heart] - DEFUNCT: Game plan for July 1st

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Game plan for July 1st

Well, the day's finally here, July 1st - 10th anniversary of Hong Kong under mainland rule.
For me it's that day where it'll start to fade away into history and never again see those desperate "10th anniversary specials" that the media has been bombarding us. Sorry to sound hypocritcal on my behalf, but I'm just directing that feeling towards the newsmakers.
President Hu Jintao's rock star itinerary took him around the SAR; meeting local families, playing ping-pong with a child; petting the subservient pro-China guys; condoning Donald Tsang's new cabinet and only to scurry off before pro-democracy activists storm the streets.
At around 5pm yesterday, about 150 activists tried to make some noise outside Hu's hotel in Wan Chai, only to be flanked by hundreds of police and of course media skanks.
I suppose the authorities were shitting themselves, hoping the illustrious el presidente didn't notice. Strange, the broadcast media didn't have any mention of it today.
Even though I'll be filming the processions for the SCMP, I'm fully supportive for the democratic cause. Cudoes to the groups and individuals that won't skyve off to watch the tacky PLA musicals at Happy Valley or went holidaying.

See you on the streets my niggas!
