Hung from a tree and shot...
Dorhrm bom bom bedom bem bom bedom bom bum ba ba bom bom,
Bouuuuum bom bom bedahm,
Bom be barbedarm bedabedabedabeda
Bbrrrrrimm bbrrrrramm bbbrrrrrrrrraammmmm ddddddraammm,
Bah bah baah baah ba wheeeeeee-eeeee-eeeee!
Sound familiar? Let me take you on a brief whirlwind tour surrounding the Crazy Frog epidemic.
Definition: The 'Annoying Thing' is a fictional, reptilian biped , who wears early Royal Air Force style flying cap and goggles with the chinstrap unfastened, along with a leather jacket. His toes are webbed, and the iris of one eye is significantly larger than the other.
I can't begin to fathom my hatred against that 'Crazy Frog.' The way it appears on TV constantly, has earned over £14 million and apparently is the most successful ringtone in the world.
It was created by Daniel Malmehdal from Sweden in 1997, he was 17 then. This fuck-stick and his mates had nothing better to do than imitate moped sounds and recorded it. Soon it was posted on the internet and was used in Swedish TV programmes.
In 2003, another Swede Erik Wernquist, a 3D animator, drew the 'Crazy Frog' (aka 'The Annoying Thing'), attached the audio and became what the abomination it is today.
In 2004, German ringtone company Jamba! (aka Jamster and Ringtone King) acquired its licencing and began its relentless advertising campaign.
So you just can't blame Daniel and Erik, it's the ringtone companies who keep putting ads up because of dumb-ass punters like YOU!! (OK, obviously those that don't)
I'll always remember this one story- My classmate and his bunch of mates were sitting in a pub. One of the guy's phone on the table rings, it's the Crazy Frog tune. The guy next to him picks it up and simply drops it into his pint and goes- "Fuck, my pint!!"
I'll always remember this one story- My classmate and his bunch of mates were sitting in a pub. One of the guy's phone on the table rings, it's the Crazy Frog tune. The guy next to him picks it up and simply drops it into his pint and goes- "Fuck, my pint!!"
Follow ups:
Daniel Wernquist interview
Times: Crazy Frog turns into a real prince
The Annoying Thing homepage