[chinese blood, irish heart] - DEFUNCT: Gearing up!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Gearing up!

One good reason for me to stay in HK for the next few months is to participate in the WTO protest on December 13-18th.
I'm not sure if it's just speculation and media hype, but approximately 10,000 protestors are expected to descend on Hong Kong from around East Asia, most notably South Korean farmers and activists from the Phillipines.
Many fear a repeat of the infamous Seattle '99, and that's what I'm hoping! It will be a testament to Hong Kong's continued democratic freedoms, but also to test Beijing's patience. As you know protests aren't allowed in China, except of course if they're state sponsored such as the backlashes against Japanese property over the text books fiasco. Refresh your memory:
Personally I live to see these mass protests against authority and I'll be there with my mobile media command!