[chinese blood, irish heart] - DEFUNCT: Just a quick post to stroke my ego...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a quick post to stroke my ego...

Nah, not really. One of my haphazard photos splashed the front page of the SCMP today. It is ironic however that I didn't use (or bring) my awesome Nikon DSLR with me that fateful day I took the new Airport Express. It was the one time I didn't bring it because I feared security might think I was with the press what with all the equipment so I just brought the camcorder. Ah well, just my own little complaint. Just so you know us guys in multimedia almost never get a byline in the paper so I'll relish this! (I even got three!) Go team!!

Once again the designers didn't have enough room for a video logo so I'll be a dear and post it here:
